The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 2.16:
Trinary Science vs Mainstream Science
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Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020

Chapter 2.16:
Trinary Science vs Mainstream Science

Trinary Science vs Mainstream Science, if any Mainstream Scientist would like to enter this completion, I must set some rules, the first is that if the Theory has No God, then you can not use any of the Laws, or Math of Kepler, Newton, or Tesla, since theirs is based on God Being the Force of Gravity, that said, the Completion is over, since Mainstream Science can not work without it, proving they are nothing but Liars, about no God Being in their Mainstream Science, because if they use any God Based Math, they do, and they do, so they do, not that much of a completion if you ask me, it is over before they have a chance to prove anything, and since it is all Theories that have never been Proven, they have nothing to prove to begin with.

Trinary Science is based on the 3 Logical State Changes of Energy, and it does not matter what type of Energy that is, because at the subatomic level, all Trinary Atoms, and Trinary Electrons have 3 Logical State Changes.

Science should be about the Truth, based on Facts, and not Theories based on BS, so Trinary Science will not depend on Theories, although I must admit that Technology is a limiting factor, when it comes to proving a lot of the things I have said about Trinary Science, this can be corrected once people start learning how to use Trinary Energy, note I did not say Electrons, but the Energy itself, only then will the Truth reveal itself, and Theories can be proven, or disproved, but after more than a Century Mainstreams Theories have not been Proven, and I say time up.

The Human race has devolved instead of evolved, thousands of years ago most humans believed that God was All Light with without Darkness, but then greedy people learned that they can control humans by controlling their thoughts, they could start rumors, and control people with those rumors, so Religion was born, how else do you explain a book that States God is All Light, when Religion redefined what the Light was, and the Light was Good, but the Darkness was Evil, till it because a Deity, or Spirit that does not Physically exist, and God is actually just the name of leader of the Angels, so God is just a member of the A-Team, just so they could convince people that it was the Love of Money, and not Money itself that was Evil, so they had to define what Good, and Evil was, but they did so using Wizards Spells, take the Word Spelled “Good”, remove an O, and you have God, so O God is Good, and Evil is not God, so it is not Good, so Evil is Bad, because Evil is the Backward Spell for Live, so to Kill is to do the opposite of Live, and Religion teaches Ewe that if anyone does not believe God is a Deity, and Leader of the A-Team, that Ewe should send them to Hell, and that is Evil, proving that Religion is only Evil, as are Holy Wars, and all Wars throughout time, have all been because of Religion, but the meaning got lost, because Religion is all based on a nonexistent God, in fact, it is not even God, since God is just a Name, and not the God that is All Light, in fact, the way Religion defines Light is not Science, so it is easy to understand why most Religious people believe in General Relativity, and the Godless Dynamic Universe, because they do not believe God Exists either, proving that Religious Sheep are just Insane, and that is Crazy, but the Religious Sheep blame me for attacking their Religion, when it is the Bible that explains to Ewe in Psalms 23 why Ewe are called Sheep, which means they own it, and will Kill me for saying anything against it, proving it is all about Hate, when the Bible proved that Money is Evil, because Jesus was murdered because of Money, and that crime is still the number one crime in the World, so it was Money, and Religion that is the root of all that is Evil, and that is because humans devolved.

Trinary Science is based on what the Bible stated as a Fact, and that is that God is All Light, and the kind of Light had no Darkness, so the Science is proven that all Light has 3 State Changes, and Trinity has 3 Logical State Changes: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, IAM has 3 letters, is this all a coincidence?

As a Wizard I use Words, and Spells to explain things, it is how the Bible was written also, so this style of writing is as old as the Bible, and it is why the Religious people make fun of Wizards, and want to blame me for starting this War, when all Wars are Holy Wars, and all of them are about Money, without Money, there would be no War, without Religion, there would be no reason to Fight, but Wizards did not start bashing Religion, it was the other way around, Religion hunted down, and bashed Wizards and Withes, to Death, and then they lied about who they were, and what they did, because Religion is a Lie, and those that believe in it are Liars, and that means they are Satan, because only Satan Teaches Half-Truths, and all believers are Sheep, according to the Bible, those are just the facts, I did not make them up, facts have been known for hundreds or thousands of years, since all I did was quote Sir Isaac Newton, who quotes Jesus, so all of this is from the Bible, all I did was read it, and not Read into it, God is All Light, end of subject, get over it, and move on, but do not lie about what God is, because to add to it is lying, Words and Spells define the Truth or a Lie, and all I care about is the Truth.

Trinary Science is not about Love or Hate, in fact, it is about learning the truth about Emotions, because once you get over the fact that Love, and Hate are the same Emotion, you can understand why you love, and hate, and hate to love, and love to hate, because Emotions are what Animals feel, and humans need to evolve, and to do that they need to stop using their primitive brain to think using Emotions. Emotions do not make you human, that is a lie, Humans are a higher evolved then to allow primitive thoughts to cloud their judgment, humans that think with their heart, or gut, are not much more evolved than most animals. Emotions make you an Animal, and only Animals react to Emotions, that is why the Bible tales the truth about Emotions, but most people only believe what the Herd has Heard, so they believe the lies about Love being the best Emotion, and Hate being the worse, when in fact they are both the same Emotion, you can assign them to shades of Grey but in Reality, you can not Hate without Love, or Love without Hate, so the truth is in Science, remove all Emotions before you apply Science. Science is based on Logic, not Emotions, Love = (+1), Hate = (-1), add them together and you get 0, and the 0 State change is where all decisions are made, and all things are equal, it all comes down to Energy, and it takes more energy to deal with Emotions then it does Logic.

The Light without Darkness = (+1), the Darkness without Light = (-1), add them together and you have 0, so they are in balance, and one can not exist without the other, so Live = (+1), and Evil = (-1), they add up to 0, so Evil is the backward Spell for Live, and Love, and Live are Spells, and Hate, and Fate are Spells, so always use Logic to determine if Emotions are being allowed to change the meaning of Words, or Spells, but remember the logic: God = (+1), because God is all Light without Darkness, and Evil is the Darkness without Light, so it is (-1), because it does not have God in it, and People without Light are Dead, so that is Evil, your Lights go out, and you are dead, and that is a fact, so why lie about it with Religion, do Ewe really believe that some Angel Named God is going to Save Ewe from dying? Evil is anything that can take God out of you, and Money can do that, people die for Money, people are paid to kill people for Money, and People can not Live without Money, so it is all the proof I need that it is Money that is Evil, and the Love for it has nothing to do with it, because Love is just an Emotion, and they used that Emotion to make you believe that it was not Money that was Evil, but the way you feel about it, as if you do not Love Money, and only do good things with it, that you are a good person, whereas people who steal Money, and would kill you for your money are bad people, but if you had no money to take, that person might not be bad, know that Money exist so Good People can use it, makes the Sins of those that use it to do Evil, makes them just as Evil as those that do the Evil, because the Sin was to use Money, and that is what Jesus said, Jesus Bar Abbas anyway, Jesus Christ wants Ewe to Pay Taxes, and Pay the Church 10% of all the Money Ewe earn, and Jesus Bar Abbas was not Religious, nor was he Christian, he was a Solder fighting against the Roman Army against Money, and Taxation, but like he said, he could destroy the Church, which represented Religion, based on Deities, and Spirits known as Angels, and based on the use of Money, so the Church means the Bank. Religion is just brainwashing Ewe into thinking Money is Real, and God is not, but in Trinary Science, Jesus Bar Abbas was a Warrior, he was a Wizard, and he taught Science, not Religion, he never spook of Love, or Hate, those were the 12 Assholes who betrayed him, and sold him out for Money, and denied he had 3 Names, so Trinary Science is about the Truth, and not to be a coward, and go along with the Herd, and what they Heard, but to only tale the Truth about the Light.

When it comes to an Education, Mainstream is not the place to get it, Public Schools are a Joke to the term Knowledge, when Knowledge should be based on Facts, but Mainstream has no need for Facts, just another Theory of the Day, and Sheep actually believe a Theory is a way of explaining Facts, proving there is no hope for Sheep, they will always be Sheep, and believe they can debunk me using Theories, but that is not how Science works, you have to use Facts, yet Theoretical Science has no Facts, so it has no Knowledge, yet Mainstream refers to it as a Higher Education, mostly because of all the Students, and Faculty are High, and they will never want to teach the Truth, only Theory that changes every day, but after over a Century, no one has proven on Theory based on General Relativity, and it does not work without God as the Force of Gravity in it, so it is all a Joke, much like Gods Particle, Mainstream Science makes me Sick to my Stomach, as does Religion, people want to talk about it, and I just want to throw-up on them, because Sheep, and that is what anyone is, if they believe in things that do not Physically Exist, like a Deity, and a Theory, these things are not Real, and should never be confused for being Real, Real Bull Shit yes, but nothing more than BS, and that is all they teach in School, so everyone is a Sheep, and I only have one thing to say to Sheep, Ewe are a Sheep, Wake Up!

Reality is not Real, if God and Science are not, yet that is Mainstream, so Trinary vs Mainstream, as if Mainstream is a Prefix meaning Stupid Sheep with no Logic, because of all these so-called Ph.D. Doctors in Mainstream, all based on BS, so they have a BS in BS, and a Masters in BS, and even a Ph.D. in BS, and none of it based on anything that is Real, so it really does not matter, and why I never actually bothered converting Credits, into Degrees, at a BS College, or BS University, just so I can have a BS Degree, what would be the Point, and what a complete waste of Time Mainstream is, since it is all based on BS, it is BS.

Most people that are Religious, or believe in Theoretical Science, and reading this for the first time, had a hard time getting this far into the book, since all I do is repeat how Evil Religion and Theoretical Science is, and how Evil Money is, but yet this whole World is Run by Money, Religion, and Theoretical Science, so how do we change this is a subject for “The Principles of Trinary Sanctuary”, so not much else to say until that becomes a Reality, then the winner can be declared, between Trinary Science vs Mainstream Science, who do you think will win?

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